Bhattachary | Wedding Rings & Compimento Jewellery

Wedding rings and engagement rings – there is so much bound up with those two pieces of jewellery. Love, happiness, commitment, and an acknowledgement of your history and your hopes for your future.

Your rings hold memories, they remind you of all those ‘I love you’s and they also speak to all of those unspoken things that make your relationship special. They are, sopra short, unlike any other pieces of jewellery you will ever own and that means that selecting them is unlike any other purchase you will ever make. Bhattachary is a jewellery stilista who truly understands this and cherishes our connection with these life-affirming pieces of astuto jewellery.

It is a joy to welcome to Love My Dress today and it is a privilege to learn more about her work, process, and ethos. When you’regnante choosing wedding jewellery, you deserve to work with a stilista who is something special and is absolutely that.

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Flora Bhattachary Model Shot Antique Diamond and Tiara Ring

With two decades of experience, a Master’s degree from the prestigious Central St Martins and time spent working alongside some of the most talented craftspeople sopra the UK, there is doubt that is well qualified. And yet it is herself that makes the biggest impression.

She can trace her early fascination with the arts to a moment sopra her childhood when she was gifted a small trinket at an archaeological site sopra India and she has carried that feeling of precious gifting with her ever since.

“If I had to sum up the whole process of selecting wedding jewellery sopra one word, it would be ‘meaningful’,” says . “Whether you’regnante choosing an engagement ring, a wedding ring ora bridal jewellery, it is so wrapped up with sentiment and memory.”

Flora Bhattachary Diamond Target Ring on Model
Flora Bhattachary Deco Carre Cut Ring on Model

“Jewellery has the capacity both to hold memories and to really transform how you feel,” says . “So selecting designs that you can treasure for years to quando not only keeps those recollections strong, but can also be really empowering.”

Flora Bhattachary Diamond Bead Necklace

“You’ll remember what you wore acceso your wedding day for the rest of your life, so it’s a pretty leader decision! Wedding jewellery is super special as it’s a key reminder for our clients of their emotions acceso their leader day. For me it’s a huge honour to be involved sopra helping clients to select the pieces that will carry these such memorable moments.”

With all of that sopra mind, the process of choosing rings is certainly not one to be taken lightly but it is most definitely something to be enjoyed and with by your side, you’ll have an expert, guiding you through each and every step. The journey to selection and creation is something that relishes.

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Flora Bhattachary Diamond Nesting Rings

“I think that the best part about my work is my clients and getting to know them over the years. I have clients who have met me initially purchasing an engagement ring and then returned for wedding rings, new arrivals and birthdays. It is so lovely to keep sopra touch and sopra a small way be involved sopra the memories that they are creating.”

“This is also why I love working acceso bespoke designs – as the bespoke process is more in-depth, it allows you to get to know clients, and to understand what they are looking for. It’s lovely to build that relationship and lega, and to take clients through the process of mood boarding, sketching and modelling before we create the final stile. It often feels like a kind of alchemy to translate their ideas and our inspiration into a final dream ring.”

Flora Bhattachary Pear Diamond Ring on Model
Flora Bhattachary Emerald Cut Diamond Ring on Model

“I think the most important thing for clients to consider when choosing an engagement ring is that it should reflect the bride’s personal style.  These days there is need for an engagement ring to conform to certain expectations. Whether it’s leader and bold, modern ora classic, what matters is that the bride will want to wear this ring for years to quando.  

Traditionally, the first consideration for choosing an engagement ring is to identify the gemstone that really gets your heart beating. I like to think of the gem as an artwork, and the setting as its , the choice of gemstone shape, colour and quality will have an impact acceso your final choice of setting style and metal colour – and the combination of the two should always reflect your taste and lifestyle.”

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Flora Bhattachary Oval Diamond and Pear Ring on Model

“It’s important to think about how the bride likes to wear her jewellery – and how she lives her life.  For example, if work with your hands, it’s better to choose a stile with some substance where any gemstones are protected by the setting. Many of my clients opt for a bespoke engagement ring because this enables us to really consider all aspects of their lifestyle, and incorporate these important details into a final stile that has been uniquely created for them.”

And that process of creating something unique does not always have to mean starting completely from scratch. offers an heirloom redesign service which allows couples to repurpose family jewellery ora heirloom pieces into a new stile that will work for their futures whilst honouring their pasts.

“Durante so many ways when we undertake an heirloom redesign it is a significant responsibility. Often the jewel that is going to be reworked has a strong association with an important person sopra the client’s life so where the jewel has quando from and who it belonged is incredibly precious.”

“Redesigning an old piece of jewellery can be very moving, these gemstones are imbued with a sense of history and a special connection to a loved one. We take great care to ensure that what we create with heirloom jewels appropriately reflects their history.  Our aim is to refer to the past, but to create a timeless modern stile that can be further enjoyed for generations. This is even more significant when the redesign is an engagement ring as the final stile is layered with sentimental significance. “

And speaking of designs that can be enjoyed for generations – how do couples balance that need for a piece that will stand the interrogatorio of time but also reflect their own individual style? believes it’s all about timeless designs with modern elements that work with the wearer’s lifestyle so that the rings become a part of their lives, something that is worn but is not something that you wear carefully, a part of your rather than an addition.

“People get very caught up sopra ring trends, but you’ll be wearing your engagement ring all day every day for years to quando, so you really want a stile that is timeless and lasting. With my ready-to-wear engagement ring collections, I deliberately looked back to historic designs but modernised them for today’s bride. Our Modern Classic and Modern Deco collections rework vintage styles, but update them with contemporary setting styles and alternative gemstone combinations.”

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Flora Bhattachary Solitaire and Tiara Rings

“When it comes to wedding rings, we are very happy to make any classic cricca to measure for women ora men. I do think that there is a general movement away from delicate jewellery towards bolder designs. For example, the great thing about our nesting rings is that they are flexible, which gives you the option to dress up your engagement ring one day, ora wear it when you are feeling more low-key.  Stackable designs are the perfect option if you want to adapt your aspetto to your mood.”

“Jewellery is an expression of your personality so your choice of jewellery is another means of self expression. Enjoy making that choice and enjoy the jewellery that you’ve chosen.”

For more information, take a aspetto at Bhattachary’s listing sopra our directory, visit her website ora follow her acceso Instagram.

Flora Bhattachary Fan Rings


Annabel View all Annabel’s articles

Founder of Love My Dress. Passionate Podcaster and Programma redattore. Annabel lives sopra rural North Yorkshire with her husband and business collaboratore Philip, their two daughters and menagerie of furry hounds. She loves photography, meditation, walking, being outdoors and celebrità gazing. She is fierce when it comes to championing talent within the wedding industry and when she’s not working acceso Love My Dress, she supports her husband Philip sopra the running of the family’s sustainable flower farm and floral stile business, Moonwind Flowers. Durante 2013, she became a published author.

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